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Wisconsin Parent

Madison, Wisconsin Business Spotlight: Artterro

Mar 13, 2014 08:00AM ● By Tiffany Malloy
We love to highlight Wisconsin-based businesses on Wisconsin Parent and today I’m honored to share a business born on the kitchen table of a Wisconsin mom. Artterro is an award-winning, eco art and craft kit company that is leading the way in providing high quality, affordable, eco-friendly art supplies for kids and parents. The kits are perfect opportunity to spend some time getting creative with your kids.

Each art kit is assembled by hand, meaning no two kits are alike.  The supplies are eco-friendly, meaning the materials include “recycled, handmade paper, US-made copper wire and glass marbles, natural wool felt and cotton fabrics.” The packaging is made out of 100% recycled boxes and it doubles as a frame!

materialsWhat I think sets Artterro apart from other art and craft kit companies is that they believe that kids should be given beautiful, natural materials to create with. What if kids are given fewer materials to work with, but ones that are beautiful and unique? Will the creation process look different? Will the kids treat the materials in different ways?

kidbooksOur experience says - yes. While my children have been known for using ridiculous amounts of construction paper, marker, stickers, and glitter glue in one sitting, they were unusually mindful and careful about what they were picking out for their books. What paper did they really want in their book? Which beads would look best on their cover? Which piece of thread best went with their chosen paper?

alymomworkingtogetherAll the kids (ages 6, almost 5, and 3) had a great time designing and redesigning the order of the paper as well as the layout of the design of their cover. I did have to help with sewing, but that was no big deal.

needlethreadinghardI was a bit surprised by the simplicity of the kids’ books. For Ada, the paper was dazzling enough. She created a beaded bookmark to go in her book, but wanted the glittery stars to say it all. Aly chose to make a pattern of beads and stitching on her front cover, and had me do the sewing while she told me exactly where each bead and thread should go.  Asante also went with the simple cover. I think he was more concerned about getting started on the writing of a new story for his book than sewing on beads.

asante writingI made one too because, like they said, these kits are great for kids and adults. Why should kids have all the fun? I’m not a naturally crafty person, but I really loved these materials. Simple, but I like it!

IMG_2124What’s even better? We have some leftover supplies to use to create more!

In addition, we got a chance to play with the art doll kit. The girls loved this; Aly decided to make her doll very personal!

IMG_2132Our neighbor came over to play with us, and since she's older (age 10), she could do it all herself from start to finish. She spent so much time mulling over the materials. Her doll masterpiece:

IMG_2157I also had the privilege of going to the Artterro headquarters to get behind the scenes and see where it all happens. Seeing kits ready to be shipped off, huge buckets of beads, and lots and lots of beautiful paper squares—my question is how in the world could they get any business done? I think I’d just be creating all day! I was so thankful to be able to get to meet some of the team, learn how the business works, and also gain a little wisdom about how to nurture my 4-year-old daughter’s art interests! I’m also excited to hear that they have a little package redesign coming down the pike that is clever, creative, and useful. Be sure to like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter to hear about the big reveal in a few short weeks!

 A huge thanks to Artterro for providing us an art kit in exchange for an honest review AND for the fantastic hospitality.