"The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5k on the Planet, is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. Now the single largest event series in the United States, The Color Run has exploded since our debut event. We have more than tripled our growth, hosting more than 170 events in 30+ countries in 2013."
Announcing the 2014 tour dates and locations for this year's The Color Run, six Wisconsin cities will host the event.
- Eau Claire: April 27
- Madison: May 4
- Racine: May 24
- La Crosse: September 13
- Milwaukee: July 6
- Green Bay: October 5
Event cities and times are listed here:
http://thecolorrun.com/events/Registration fees to participate in The Color Run range from $30.00/person for a team registration (teams are four or more people and the price goes up to $40.00/person closer to the event date) and $35.00/person if you are not part of a team (again, the registration fee adjusts to $45.00/person at a later registration date). Events typically sell out and sometimes in a hurry!
To save $5 on your registration fee enter this promotional code at the time of checkout: COLOR5OFF
Fine print: Code must be entered at time of registration, cannot be retro-applied. Also please type the code in, do not copy/paste. Not valid on flash city sales.
Having participated in The Color Run in Honolulu, Hawaii last November (Madison was full, what can I say, sometimes you have to make sacrifices!), here are some words of advice:
Race attire is all white. As you will most likely be tossing your outfit within hours of crossing the finish line, save money and shop at a thrift store.
The Color Run is not a timed race. Participants start in waves and it's crowded. Plan to jog/run and maybe even walk.
Everyone is wearing white. If you are bringing kids, make sure they have your cell phone number and establish a "if we get separated" meeting place.
If you bring your camera or cell phone, know you will be exposing it to mass quantities of colored cornstarch paint. Bring a towel or a plastic baggie for storing/wiping the lens.
Bring a change of clothing and also a beach towel to sit on in the car. You will most likely look like you ran through a rainbow and the color does stick to fabric. On that note, I found the color green hardest to wash off. I had a green armpit for five days, no matter how much soap I applied in the shower.
Also, at least in Honolulu, parking and traffic were an issue. Plan to leave home early if you are worried about meeting up with people or arriving at the race at a certain time (carpooling is best).
Have fun! We did!