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Wisconsin Parent

Deke Slayton Airfest, La Crosse: May 31-June 1

Jan 09, 2014 11:07PM ● By Guest Contributor
What has fast-paced, high-flying, and a root-tootin’ good time? If you guessed an afternoon with Superman, you’re close.  The correct answer is the Deke Slayton Airfest held in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

This past Tuesday, Lt. Chamberlin and Lcdr. Cheng from the Navy’s Blue Angels stopped in La Crosse to check out the airport operations and touch base with volunteers. “With last year’s sequestration, we weren’t able to do shows, so it’s important that we pay you guys (La Crosse airport) a visit to make sure everything is ready for us when we arrive this summer.” Said Cheng. “La Crosse is a great venue, and we are just as excited to be here as you are to have us.”

Anthony with Blue Angels

The Angels crew consists of close to 60 people that consist of: pilots, mechanics, radio operators, a doctor, and other essential personnel. Most of the crew arrives in a C-130 plane dubbed “Fat Albert”.

Blue Angels ParkedThe pilots fly a F-A/18 Hornet fighter jet that during the show will fly within 18 inches of each other at 400mph!

During the week of the event- the Blue Angels train, work out at a local fitness center, do community outreach, and have special tour for disabled, elderly, and students.

The event runs from May 31 to June 1 and consists of airplane demos, live music, food, and fun for the entire family, as well as life shows from the Blue Angels.

To learn more about Airfest you can go to their website: