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Wisconsin Parent

Say Cheese: Sartori Cheese Review

Sep 09, 2013 08:56PM ● By Julie Henning
If you have a website about all things Wisconsin, it's really only a matter of time before you feel compelled break out the cheese puns. But, let's face it, the Dairy Industry is a huge part of what makes Wisconsin, Wisconsin and for better or worse, we'll be wearing foam triangles on our heads until the cows come home.

Before you spit milk out your nose, consider the influence in today's modern cheesemaking industry by artisans that immigrated from Europe to Wisconsin in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Settling in northern Wisconsin in 1939, Italian cheesemaker Paolo Sartori identified the weather, soil, and grazing conditions of the Antigo flats region as an ideal place to find his own American dream.

Sartori Rosemary and Olive Oil

Fast forward 70 years, dairy farmers in Antigo are still known for their ability to produce premium-quality milk—milk that is free of rBST and high in component value, protein, butterfat, and other solids necessary for cheesemaking. Sourcing 100% of their milk from farms within a 50 mile radius of the company headquarters in Plymouth, Wisconsin (where MontAmoré is made in brick form) and within 50 miles of the town of Antigo, the fourth-generation Sartori family has been winning awards in industry cheese competitions since they entered the retail market in 2007.

Sartori MontAmoreConsidered an artisan cheese, the Sartori Cheese portfolio ranges from classic varieties to rare blends that are only produced in small runs and "available whenever conditions are perfect." Crafting the packing descriptions as carefully as their recipes, how could anyone pass on the MontAmoré: Like a new romance, this sweet, creamy and fruit cheese finishes with a playful bite. Prepare to fall in love?

Sartori Parmesan

Often negatively targeted for cardiovascular diseases and obesity, it's not unusual for people to have varying feelings about cheese. Our opinion is one of a well-balanced diet and that all good things can be enjoyed in moderation. That said, consider some of the health benefits of the Sartori Sarvecchio Parmesan. First, this particular table cheese is aged for over 20 months and contains about 100 calories per ounce. In one serving size, Sartori Sarvecchio Parmesan contains 9 grams of usable protein, 7 grams of essential fat, 33% of the recommended daily allowance for calcium and 20% of the recommended daily allowance for phosphorous (responsible for building strong bones, teeth, and helping to prevent osteoporosis), and vitamin B12. Second, because of the lengthy aging period, the cheese is nearly lactose free.

Sartori Expresso

For more information on Sartori Cheese, including the company history, master cheesemaker profiles, philanthropic donations, and recent awards, visit the company website at: You may also enjoy the updates, photos, and recipes posted on the Sartori Cheese Facebook page at: You can also find where Sartori Cheese is sold near you or or just purchase it directly through the website.

Thanks to Sartori Cheese for providing five of the Wisconsin Parent editors with enough cheese to feed our entire families. All opinions are my own.